Tag Archives: STGCC

1st Week of Internship

I’ve made it through my first week as an intern!! Finally a 2 day break.


All the tutorials and codings I’ve been learning make my brain and eyes very tired everyday. I’ve only recently started using Unity3D which is an awesome software for creating games. And I’m enjoying learning how to code to build and move game objects, which is a good thing. 🙂

The other interns there are quite friendly which makes me feel more comfortable there. It helps cause I’m the only girl. lol XDD And the dress code is smart casual so I’ve been wearing shirts and t-shirts with collars along with my hoodie everyday. The office is so freakin cold, my nose gets blocked so easily.

I’m still not totally comfortable yet with everything but I hope it gets better soon. ^^

I haven’t been able to post about any new orders since I’ve been too tired to do so when I come home. I actually skipped taking orders for a new batch of stuff. I will put up the next batch. I will. >___<

And I went to STGCC the previous week in Singapore. Will do a post soon. Hopefully.

And now there are so many Cardcaptor Sakura merchandises coming out, and I also hear there’s gonna be a kuji in January! I want the kuji items. I hope there’s a way to get them easily this time around but then again, I doubt it. =___=;;; Oh, my wallet’s gonna be empty soon. lol

Oh, by the way. I managed to get Syaoran. <333  *squeals*


Well, till next time. Jya ne~ ^^

STGCC (Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention)

It took me quite some time to do this write-up. Just as I was about to do this post I suddenly came down with a fever, flu and a horrible soar throat. T_T After 2 days of walking around in Singapore, a this is what I get. *cough,cough* And I thought I would be better after a few days but I have been sick for more than a week. So I’ve been writing bit by bit as I had no energy to do anything. lol

I went down to Singapore on Friday (30th) to celebrate my mum’s birthday. And the plan was to head to STGCC after lunch. And I really, really thought I saw the dates about STGCC being held from the 29th to the 31th weeks before. Well, you can see what’s gonna happen. So we all headed down to Marina Bay which is really far. Considering we started from AMK. Gah… We got there, got lost a bit (lol) and eventually made it to the convention area. Read on for more

Coming Review….

Hey guys

I just got back from Singapore yesterday and my body aches. =__=  It was worth it I guess, since I went for STGCC. ^^


I will be doing a write-up of my experience there this year as soon as possible. Lots of loot to show. Whoopee! I will also let you in on an embarrassing case that happened when I was there. lol

I’ll try to post up soon but it might take awhile cause I need to collect the pictures from my cousin.

Ja ne~