Tag Archives: collectible

Sailormoon 1/1 Proplica Moon Stick Bandai Part 2

Hi guys!

So the last time I wrote the review I wasn’t able to show you the amazing lighting up part of the moon stick. I finally bought the batteries and so I took a video of it for you to see!
Click here for Part 1!

I tried to speak in the video explaining how it worked but I sounded so weird(cause I’ve never done this before) lol XD So I decided not to say anything and just let you see. I will explain about it here. 🙂

So here is the video~

Read on for more!

Sailormoon 1/1 Proplica Moon Stick Bandai

Hey guys,

I’ve been wanting to post for ages. But due to my final year project I haven’t had any time at all to do so. Was so busy creating my app that I couldn’t even edit the photos I took when it arrived. And now I’m having my final examinations, but I’ll do this post anyways.

So, the moon stick came quite awhile back and I was so excited. The packaging is absolutely gorgeous and it looks so exclusive. Really glad I decided to get it. Though it cost a bomb. It cost SGD120. OAO *money instantly vanished from wallet* But it was worth my every penny since I’m a big fan.

I love Sailormoon. It was the very first anime introduced to me by my cousin. We would watch the anime together sometimes and pretend to do all the transformations. lol XD I was less then 10 years old then, what do you expect. I even played Power Rangers. Haha! XDD
I remember watching the Sailormoon movie again and again. In the same day. Weirdly enough, I did that with my brother. XD

Read on for more!