Tag Archives: birthday

Birthday Song For Miku acoustic cover~

The other day, I did a drawing for Miku’s 6th Birthday and now I have done a cover!! XDDD

I wanted to do this cover last year but it didn’t work out so I’m glad I managed to finish it this year. I’m using my old guitar though cause my brother took my knew one to his dorm. -____-  So it doesn’t sound as nice.

And my phone just had to receive a message while I was recording but it doesn’t really clash and this was the best out of the many recording I had to take. So tiring.

Happy 6th Anniversary and Birthday Miku~!!!

So to celebrate Miku’s 6th Anniversary and Birthday… I drew!

I was trying to go for a pastel look which I really like but usually don’t do. My drawings always end up with really bright and dark colours usually because I like to shade a lot. lol

Miku 6th anniversary

Miku 6th Anniversary | Namia [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38097218

You can check it out on my Pixiv account. And rate it if you have an account too. Hehe… ^^