Tag Archives: Illustration

Cardcaptor Sakura Series 20th Anniversary Illustration Collection (2016)

I ordered this artbook the moment it was up for pre-order and received it a few months back.
It cost around 3900yen and that wasn’t even including the shipping so it was a quite expensive. But it’s very pretty and I was looking forward to new illustrations so I bought it. However…. (I will get to that later.)

The books’s size B5 and has approximately 103 pages.

The cover is so pretty. It’s probably one of the prettiest artbooks I’ve ever owned. *A*

Cardcaptor Sakura Artbook    Cardcaptor Sakura Artbook
Front and back of the book.

There is a huge folded catalogue poster that comes with the book and a few mini phamplets.
Cardcaptor Sakura Artbook

You can see the comparison with the book in the picture.
Read on for more pics and review!

Free! Illustrations Works

Finally found the Free! Illustrations Works book at Kinokuniya a few weeks back. I was quite surprised that I there weren’t sold in CD Japan or PlayAsia. They have it now in CD Japan but it’s by special order so it’s more expensive then what I bought it for. I usually don’t by anime artbooks very often. I prefer manga-styled art. But since it’s Free!, I gave it an exception. Plus, Free! doesn’t originate from a manga so it’s fine.

DSC_8374 DSC_8377

The book comes with a CD which contains the absolutely adorable Free! desktop mascots and a Visual Story CD. You’ve probably seen them around if you follow the Free! fandom on Tumblr. lol XDD I have yet to open the CD though. Don’t think I ever will. So the book and CD both cost me almost SGD70. -___-;; So expensive. I think the price is so high due to the CD that came with the book. I spent an hour contemplating whether to get it or not. At least I got to see many illustrations of my lovely Makoto~ ❤
Read on for more

Happy 6th Anniversary and Birthday Miku~!!!

So to celebrate Miku’s 6th Anniversary and Birthday… I drew!

I was trying to go for a pastel look which I really like but usually don’t do. My drawings always end up with really bright and dark colours usually because I like to shade a lot. lol

Miku 6th anniversary

Miku 6th Anniversary | Namia [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38097218

You can check it out on my Pixiv account. And rate it if you have an account too. Hehe… ^^