Tag Archives: Marvel

STGCC (Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention)

It took me quite some time to do this write-up. Just as I was about to do this post I suddenly came down with a fever, flu and a horrible soar throat. T_T After 2 days of walking around in Singapore, a this is what I get. *cough,cough* And I thought I would be better after a few days but I have been sick for more than a week. So I’ve been writing bit by bit as I had no energy to do anything. lol

I went down to Singapore on Friday (30th) to celebrate my mum’s birthday. And the plan was to head to STGCC after lunch. And I really, really thought I saw the dates about STGCC being held from the 29th to the 31th weeks before. Well, you can see what’s gonna happen. So we all headed down to Marina Bay which is really far. Considering we started from AMK. Gah… We got there, got lost a bit (lol) and eventually made it to the convention area. Read on for more