Tag Archives: AFA

Anime Festival Asia, AFA 2013

OMG I’m so sorry minna for taking so freakin long to write this. OAO I have been really busy. I’ve had a major project presentation along with so many other mini projects as well. And tons of presentations and I just finished my exams…. However, I have actually been writing this bit by bit every time I had a break from my work. It has taken me this long to finish up a post. I wish I could have had finished it earlier….


Anyway, back to the main topic… AFA 2013!! It was really great. By far the best festival I attended the past year. The best part was that the exhibition hall was open for 3 days. I managed to go on the first 2 days. I missed my chance to go for Reika’s autograph session cause it was Sunday which was when I had to return to campus. I was so disappointed but a good thing happened which was J-Cos Party~!! I went there with my brother on Saturday and then with my friend on Sunday. Let me tell you, taking the bus to Singapore 2 days in a row killed my legs because of the walk at the customs. And I stood almost the whole time at AFA, so yeah.

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